So you quit it
But you were so addicted
That you didn't realize that the darkness took advantaged on you
When you closed your eyes
And thought about him
You saw nothing more
Nothing more than sadness
Perhaps your scream could reach a little of light
But your mouth is shut
And you just cannot produce any kind of sound
You fall in despair
There's nothing but darkness
To everywhere you look
You try to walk
You try to go on
But you can't get any results
"Why everything so hard?"
"Why I end up like this?"
"Why I can't be happy?"
"The light is far away"
"I'm cold.."
"I might just lay here"
"I don't wanna move"
Your thoughts will betray you
But you can't escape them
It's impossible
"Why do I have to fight with myself?"
"This is so weird."
"Maybe If I do nothing..."
"Maybe I will not have to fight.."
It's impossible
It's time to give up
Your addiction is too much
You could choose die
End with everything...The pain will not exist anymore.
But Your body just don't move
You can't do nothing
You lost all your will to change.